Strategic Services


We understand that a successful SEO campaign needs more than a one-time fix. In a combination with social media, content optimization and search acquisition, our team will bring you to sustained results.

Get to the Top of the Search Results

Search Engine Optimization, also known as SEO, connects you to the people. There are many different approaches to SEO, all with the same purpose, placing your business in front of the audience searching for you. The most beautiful and functioning website will not bring you the success you are aiming for if your site is not be found in the top rankings of the search results of Google.

SEO Services

Search Engine Optimization is a complex topic. The tasks and even the order in which they are completed may vary by each website. Our SEO Specialists come with a decade of experience to develop the perfect strategy right for you.

SEO Strategy Planning

Knowing your and understanding your business is essential for all our efforts. We inform you about every step we will take.

Website Audit

First step will be to scan and check on the current state of your website. technical parameters, ranking, crawlability and more.

Website Structure

Creating a correct structure is important for visitors and search engines. Our team create the best hierarchy for your website.

Content Optimization

We find opportunities where where new, modified content can create a useful help for the SEO efforts. Creating landing pages.

Technical SEO

The performance of your website like loading speed and presentation are key factors for the ranking. We measure and optimize your site.

Mobile SEO

Optimizing your website for the mobile devises is a crucial element of the SEO process. More than 50% of searches take place by phone.

Content Optimization

We find opportunities where where new, modified content can create a useful help for the SEO efforts. Creating landing pages.

Technical SEO

The performance of your website like loading speed and presentation are key factors for the ranking. We measure and optimize your site.

Mobile SEO

Optimizing your website for the mobile devises is a crucial element of the SEO process. More than 50% of searches take place by phone.

SEO driven


Our team of technologists and content creators analyzes your industry, find you the right keywords, generate content that will bring you to the front for topics in relation to your business objectives. 

Better Performance

Starting with a solid foundation by getting your website score and health up to speed. 

Powerful UX/UI

With a better UX/UI, content and layout structure we increase conversions on your website.

Better Rankings

Getting up in the ranks for keywords  and search queries related to your business, products and services.



Mobile SEO

Mobile SEO

If your web presence is at this moment not mobile optimized, you could potentially miss out the huge site traffic and growth of your business. Google will also downgrade your ranking in the search results.

Optimizing your website for mobile devices is the practice of developing content specifically for handheld devices to ensure a positive user experience. We strategically develop and design your internet presence considering user trends, functionality, readability, aesthetics, loading time, and intuitive navigation.

Optimizing your mobile speed is such a critical element. At this moment more than 80% of all websites all over the world are opened with mobile devices. And more than 50% of search queries on Google globally now come from mobile devices. 

We at IMPACT MARKETING understand this importance. We will help your business to stay on top. We develop solutions to optimize also your existing websites for the best mobile experience. 

Get in touch with us to learn more about this topic and how we can help you to optimize your digital footprints.

Mobile SEO Search Bali


Having troubles with a low ranking? Your competitors rank higher than you? Impact offers you a free SEO audit for your website. Find out where we can improve your rankings. We will review your website health, content and structure, performance, traffic and backlinks. 

Get your free SEO Audit
in 3 easy steps

Fill out the Form
Please provide us your website url and the type of business you are in.
Website Audit
We audit your website with a focus on health, Google compliant structure, performance, traffic and backlinks.
Receive Results

We will set up a online meeting with you to discuss the results and give you advice how to improve your web presence.

*By submitting, you accept our privacy policy and you understand that you will be contacted by someone from IMPACT Marketing team.


What We Review

You feel that your rankings are not improving? There are some reasons why your SEO performance is suffering. In our Free SEO Audit we make it our job to discover potential issues or conflicts which might be the cause. Here some things we check during our SEO Audit.


We will have a look at your website health. Is everything functioning well? Are there any knows errors or coming up?


How is the foundation of your website, is everything well organized? Is the site build on a solid foundation?


Loading times not only effect the user experience but also the search rankings. How long does a brownser need to show your page?


Backlinks to your site represent a "vote of confidence" and search engine take this as a signal that others vouch for your content.

Are You Ready To Start?

Search Engine Optimization

Let us move forward and help you boost your Rankings on Google Yahoo and Bing. One of our SEO experts will contact you and set up introduction call and inform you about the steps to help you get started.

Our SEO plans start from only $199/month

*By submitting, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and understand you may be contacted by someone from IMPACT Marketing.
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