Development of a Real Estate Website packed with a powerful CRM


Bali Real Estate Consultants are a new founded team of ambitious and motivated Property Professionals who are keen to become one of Bali’s leading Real Estate Agencies.
Getting up to the top rankings of the organic search results on one of the worlds most dynamic real estate markets like the top holiday destination Bali was one of the challenges. Especially as the domain was not listed on Google before.
Potential clients are contacting agencies on Bali from all over the world within multiple different timezones. Important therefor was it to establish a communication platform on the website and social media responding anytime and guiding the potential leads through the first steps of the sales process automatically.


After intensive keyword research to find combinations with potential  search volumes but also a chance to rank fast we developed the website content and published a basic website version to allow Google to rank the domain as soon as possible. 
Parallel we developed on a separate platform the structure and elements of the very complex final web development. Implementing step by step each element into the already online version. 

For the communication and customer relationship management system we choose to work with one of the leading CRMs, Hubspot. Providing the user and customer an intuitive feel of communication. 

  • Integrated Customer Relationship Management (Hubspot)
  • Easy to handle frontend for Data Input, Monitoring and Analytics
  • Advanced search functionality
  • Multi currency switcher
  • Automated communication system (Message BOT)
  • Push notification 
  • Mobile friendly (responsive web design)
  • Setup a new web hosting Litespeed Web Server


Meeting all of Googles SEO criteria in the best possible way and some paid social media campaigns we could generate a traffic of  25600 unique page views and an average on-site time of almost 4 minutes each session within the first 3 months after being online. 
Established a wonderful web presence generating on the site using the intuitive UX/UI and CRM tools 10 potential leads each week. 


Bali Real Estate Consultants


Web Development


Web Design
Digital Design
Content Development
CRM Integration
Web Hosting

Mobile UX - User Experience

Creating a design for a perfect mobile User Experience UX in combination with a well planned Mobile SEO strategy is essential for the successful online platform.

Automized Messenger - Lead Generator

Individual for each page customized Message Bots collects customer data and  important sales information and saves them into the CRM to follow up for the sales team.

Property User Interface

Add and manage seamlessly properties and get important analytics insights about the website visitors and their searched properties.

Search Engine Optimization SEO

Our client had a running website, which was insecure and not optimized for search engines, so that it was not listed in the search results of e.g. Google. The loading speed was very slow.
We have developed the new website in such a way that it not only complies with Google’s SEO recommendations, but can also be loaded very quickly in the browser, thanks to optimized property photos and structures, including a sophisticated caching system.
With these optimizations and some paid promotions, the site was able to come up with almost 8000 site sessions and 25600 page views within the first 3 months after being online, with an average length of stay of almost 4 minutes per session.

Impact Marketing Bali Logo

Site Navigation

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